In 1960 several Washington DC area graduates of Maryland State College wanted to unite to promote their alma mater and encourage high-performing students in the area to consider attending Maryland State College. The DC Area Alumni Chapter of Maryland State College was formed with the primary goals of scholarships, gifts to the university, and social events for local alumni.
The DC Area Alumni Chapter decided on the first Thursday of each month as its meeting day. To minimize expenses members hosted chapter meetings in their homes. The following alumni have served as President of the DC Area Alumni Chapter: Lawrence Cundiff, Joseph Ennis, Fred Jones, Willie Clark, John Lee, Wilhelmina Cornish, Deborah Hayman, Eric Spencer, Erika Thompson, Gail Saunders, and John Lucas. Lawrence Cundiff, Deborah Hayman, and current chapter member Willie Baker have also served as President of the UMES National Alumni Association.
With the growth of the Washington DC suburbs, the DC Area Alumni Chapter became the Washington Metropolitan Area Alumni Chapter during the 1990s since many of its members lived outside of the District of Columbia.
Today the Washington Metropolitan Area Alumni Association is a vibrant group. Monthly meetings are still held on the first Thursday of every month at the Prince George’s County Sports and Learning Center in Landover, Maryland. Member demographics range from the class of 1956 through the class of 2018. Sixty years after its formation the WMAA Chapter continues to promote the University of Maryland Eastern Shore through annual scholarships to incoming freshmen, support of university endowments, and its signature event the annual Student Parent Alumni Reception, which began in 1990. The WMAA Chapter also hosts a number of social events to raise funds and keep local alumni engaged. The WMAA Chapter motto is “Stay Connected”.